From a young age, I have been committed to the potential for human growth and problem-solving. This interest grew in college, where, in addition to pursuing my studies as an English major and running the mile for the University of Rochester track team, I volunteered at a VA psychiatric hospital near Rochester, New York, my first experience with people of severe psychological problems. Later, as a social worker in the US Army Medical Corps, my identity as a therapist solidified and I resolved to pursue professional training.
Upon graduating from Simmons School of Social Work in 1969, I went to work for Jewish Family and Children’s Service in Boston. There I was introduced to family therapy by my supervisor, Yitzhak Bakal.
Four years later, I was hired by Iris Carroll as a social worker, family therapist, and director of the intern training program at Programs for People, a day treatment program in Framingham, Massachusetts. Ms. Carroll inspired me with her humane values and devotion to providing service to the underserved and low income population. The program we founded was a departure from the medical model, the prevalent approach at the time. We focused on personal respect, client empowerment and combatting stigma. Clients were encouraged to be actively involved in constructing the treatment approach that best suited their their needs and desires.
During my days at Programs For People I pursued my professional growth by attending learning opportunities in Norway, Hungary, Israel, and Italy. Outside of work, my travels, which took me to all five continents, afforded me the opportunity to develop a multi-cultural perspective on people and their behaviors. Back home at Programs For People, I was developing the family therapy and intern training programs and supervised over 100 students, many of whom became major contributors to the field. In recognition of my contribution to student education in 2008 Simmons College awarded me an award for excellence in supervision.
Outside of work I have devoted myself to editing professional newsletters, raising two wonderful children, playing tennis, and drawing wisdom and serenity from hours spent hiking and camping in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
I now am excited to embark on my own private psychotherapy practice after fifty years at Programs for People

Essential Family Therapy, an introductory text to family therapy
“My Brother’s Keeper: Siblings of Chronic Patients as Allies in Family Treatment” in Siblings in Therapy
“Circular Questioning: “A Day with Karl Tom” in Finnish Journal of Family Therapy
“ Crying, Sleeping, and the Post-Modern Marriage” in Journal of Feminist Family Therapy
“ Reflections on the Reflecting Team as a Training Experience for Graduate Social Work Students” in Journal of Field Education